
Category: Uncategorized

Shaft seal

The great thing about everything is how much of it there is.  If, for example, you need a shaft both sealed and wiped life has a solution.  Why, you ask, would a middle aged man need a shaft both sealed and wiped?  Well age is just a number and this middle aged man has a robust shaft that needs to be both sealed and wiped because that just happens to be his hobby.  A boy Read more…

Getting your money’s worth

And this is how you get your money’s worth out of a mower blade.  Unfortunately, I do not claim ownership.  Left is new, right has some miles on it.

Dirty hole

Sometimes, after a hard days work, a fella needs a dirty, moist hole. To all the dirty holes in our lives – salut!

Kaleidoscope of failure

In order for success to exist something opposite of it has to exist as well.  For every up there is a down.  For every left there is a right.  It is only logical.  In order to know success one has to know failure as well.  They are inexorably linked – the only way to not know failure is to not know success. Society heavily favors success.  Again this is logical.  We are bags of mostly Read more…

Lets put some numbers on this

So at this point we’re completely off script.  A truly code compliant fence is out of the question.  Which is OK in a sense because the vast majority of other fences aren’t either?  Point is I’m not handling 6 inch pipe. So lets put some numbers on this thing so far. The footers turned out about 33.5 inches tall by about 18 inches in diameter.  Yes, the original plan was to use 10 inch footers, Read more…


In a continual fight against a positive bank account I decided I needed a new welding helmet.  The need is not entirely made up as the inside lens holder of my knockoff helmet broke and … well .. the inside lens wouldn’t stay in.  Please try to keep up.  To be fair I bought the helmet for $100 in October of 2016 so I do feel that I got my money’s worth.  Ironically (like rain Read more…


So this contraption that’s been in the making since December 2016 is officially controlling my home AC.  Additionally, it’s logging all of the operational data of the AC: operating state, supply temp, return temp, space temp, space relative humidity as well as attic temperature, outdoor temperature, and outdoor humidity into a real database (PostgreSQL) at one second intervals. Here’s the complete install.  Yes I know some covers (and screws) are missing.  I’m working on that Read more…


In the last post you said “The software is good shape.” I plug both boards into my workstation.  Start the software.  Error messages start spewing about bad checksums, buffer overflows etc.  Narrow it down to a specific serial port.  The serial port that’s built into the motherboard works just ducky. The port that’s an add-on card is causing problems.  Start investigating.  Eliminate cable, IO board, configuration, etc.  Both ports work fine in text/human mode, but Read more…


I had a touch of panic when I received a text from DHL that my PCB order from Elecrow would be delivered Tuesday, July 16th.  Tuesday July 16th, you see, is when I’m scheduled to be flooded. The following is the river gauge closest to where I live.  Tuesday July 16th is when we’re scheduled for a flood event thanks to tropical storm Barry. The even more disconcerting prediction is for the Comite river.  They’re Read more…


It’s been a little while since the last update.  And for a very good reason.  I was busy failing Calculus II.  How I got a 89% on 70 (not a typo!) homework assignments and a ‘D’ in the class overall is beyond me.  The long and the short of the story is anything that involved grading by a computer averaged 89%, while anything that involved grading by an “instructor” went straight into the toiled.  I Read more…