
Category: Hardware

Math + facts = suck

In the last post I did some basic arithmetic to see if the system as designed should be able to measure 110F.  This post is about verifying the physical reality to see if matches the pristine mathematical theory. To turn the VICTD into temperature in Kelvin the function is below.  We know this from the previous post. $$T_K = V_{ICTD} \times 10^3 $$ Measuring the output of the probe I get a reading of 0.30111V.  Read more…


It’s been a little while since the last update.  And for a very good reason.  I was busy failing Calculus II.  How I got a 89% on 70 (not a typo!) homework assignments and a ‘D’ in the class overall is beyond me.  The long and the short of the story is anything that involved grading by a computer averaged 89%, while anything that involved grading by an “instructor” went straight into the toiled.  I Read more…