
Tag: KiCad


The design of the power and serial cape is done. The components have been ordered. I will wait until the IO board comes back and the components come in before sending the cape off to fab. Juuuuust to make sure I didn’t screw up some minute detail that renders the design useless. Additionally, I found a high-resolution picture of the IO board PCB in ‘as made’ representation on the OSH Park’s website. Neato. Front: Back: Read more…


While waiting for the I/O board PCB to come back from fabrication I started designing the BBB cape that will house the serial drivers, power supply to the I/O board, more LEDs, and etc. This of course is necessary because the BBB’s serial ports operate at TTL level and are not tolerant of “proper” RS232 voltages and its I/O pins must not have voltage applied until the chip boots (the reset line goes high). First Read more…


The board circuit design and schematic are done. This is pretty terrible picture export. I couldn’t figure out how (spent 15 seconds) to export an SVG of the board without the copper fills. And here is the 3D rendering. A lot of 3D representations of components are missing, but the general gist is conveyed. All of the design work was done using KiCad ( EDA. Which of course means that I had to learn KiCad. Read more…