
Tag: Notes

OpenCV install notes

Took much longer to figure this out than I care to admit.  In order to build OpenCV: Clone the repository git clone In a directory next to it: cmake -Hopencv -Bbuild_opencv -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/dev/opencv cd build_opencv make      

I’m not a civil engineer, part 2, post loading

Now that we have a defensible way to calculate wind force per square foot of fence we need to put that to practical use.  The main load bearing part of a fence is the fence post.  We’re interested in the load generated on the post above the ground where the fence attaches to it.  This will also play into the footer design later. The way fence post loads are calculated, and I swear I saw Read more…

Setting up Apache for WSGI on FreeBSD

This post is meant as notes for me.  Do not expect the wittiness that you’re used to. The goals is to have my home server collect and store the data generated by the home automation system.  In addition to the collecting it I want it to be able to “analyze” the data.  In other words I want a pretty graph.  The data is stored in a PostgreSQL instance.  The analysis interface will be web-based.  I Read more…